The Kitchen4All company was founded in 2019, and since then no fewer than 20 Kitchen4All stores have opened their doors. And openings of several new stores are also planned this coming year. The desire is to eventually grow to 30 stores spread throughout the Netherlands. The credo? Providing everyone in the Netherlands with an affordable dream kitchen!
They pursue this goal at Kitchen4All not only by opening new stores. The customer is also central in the working method of the successful formula. Marketing manager Meltem Caliskan explains, "We help customers as we would like to be helped ourselves. We provide them with personal and independent advice and also take all the time we need for the customer."
"We feel it is important to be able to meet the customer's needs as best we can. However, we do notice that this need is changing. Therefore, we decided to develop a new store plan. Customers want to be able to imagine what that particular kitchen from the store would look like in their home. This is only possible when you manage to create a warm and attractive store."
Creating that homely atmosphere was therefore one of the main focuses of the new store plan. With the opening of one of the newest stores, Kitchen4All Utrecht, this new store plan came to fruition. "When you step into this store, you immediately experience the warm and homely atmosphere. You feel very welcome!"
The new store plan makes extensive use of round shapes and friendly colors, which creates atmosphere. For example, the walls of the stores are clad in a light gray color and you can see the round shapes in various places. For example, see-through circles have been created, encouraging customers to look around the entire store. The visual communication in the stores is also focused on the atmosphere and customer experience.
"In the stores there are two screens on which we interactively introduce customers to Kitchen4All. Both screens have a different purpose. Whereas the communication of one screen is aimed at informing about our methods, the other is actually focused on persuasion through completed kitchens and reviews."
Besides the fact that Kitchen4All has presented a new store plan, the development of the assortment does not stand still. The store always offers the latest trends and the newest colors and materials. To ensure this, kitchens in the store are regularly replaced for newer ones. "Every year we review with our assortment committee what trends are going on in the market. Based on this, we determine which kitchens we will replace. A real trend kitchen then takes its place. For example, this year we chose a Coral Pink kitchen and a Japandi style kitchen," Meltem concluded.